An Alternate Ending

You and I walk the same streets in our mind
I like to think given time, we could catch some coffee on the cornerside magazine stall
But we have never met and we will never know.
I must have past you a hundred times,
We have crossed paths, bumped shoulders and smiled anxiously.
We could have had a lifetime of happiness or moment to remember,
But there’s no chance of that, we never saw each other.
Walking on curbs, sitting in the corner of that party, waiting in the line the metro gates to shut,
We were too busy to take notice of that beautiful stranger.
Trying to avoid looking alone, now we are alone and we will do anything to hide that.
Who knows this could be the point of our beautiful transition.
I have been to too many sunsets
I bet you have touched the clouds
We could share that moment of joy with one another.
So come a little closer darling
Lets warm ourselves tonight.
Its getting colder and its dark outside
Lets talk and look deep into each other’s eyes,
Darling just for a little while, keep that phone aside

Published by

The Unsentimental Sentimentalist

20 something with a mixed identity. Scribbler. Wanderer. Muses in a Mrs Dalloway kind of way. Filled with awe at the ironies of the world. So full of hope, that it is almost tragic. Laughs easily.

4 thoughts on “An Alternate Ending”

  1. Oh really…?? Well… I was not just being kind, i was being what i am….!!!! I mean truly your posts are such a readable stuff and i really enjoy them reading till the end…!!!! I am just not able to get my eyes off from your lovely posts…!!!! The more i read… I more i become desperate to read you new posts…!!! You are truly the living princess of wordpress…!!! Keep posting more such good stuff…!!!!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜


  2. You posts are very well written…!!! And your thoughts are as beautiful as your smile…!!!! Keep posting such things…!!!! 😊😊😊


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